Tuesday, May 18, 2010


hey there..
woohoo...lagi feeling ngeblog niy, lagi asik utak atik..dan jadilah blog skinnya berubah..hehehhe, walopun masih ada yang kurang gak tau apaaaaa gt, tapi setelah ribet liat sana sini, berujung pada kebingungan, ini gimana yaaa? hahahhaha...maklum, saya agak gaptek niy, utak atik beginian, haduuuuuhhhh...anyone help me?
belakangan saya sibuk ngedit tesis yang (rasanya) kok g kelar2 yah? senang sebenarnya, i really enjoy the process.. gak kaya waktu saya kelarin skripsi, terlalu terburu2 mungkin, persiapan tidak matang, bahan juga kurang dikuasain....gak puas deh jadinya... but, hopefully not with this one. walopun prosesnya cukup ribet, dan bikin gonta-ganti judul berkali-kali.gak sreg sama pembimbing, susah nyari bahannya, but i believe i can do it with my best. amin.

oh ya..minggu lalu saya ketemu mama saya di jakarta, we did vintage shopping in metro pasar baru,hehehe..dari dulu saya suka fashion, mungkin beliau adalah biangnya..hahahahaha..it was fun you know? ubek ubek sana sini...whoaaahhh..and finally i got a super duper cute vintage bag :) *yay*
actually i'm not a mama's girl, but sometimes...i feel so looks like her..some of my friends says that..hmm...iya gt? ntahlah..

eniwei..these are few things that i love this week:
1. my last weekend with Biggy
2. my new 16dscale shirt*yay*
3. my swimming lesson..hahahahhaha
4. pencerahan akut dari pak him (matur suwun sanget pak...)
5. and absolutely YOU, yes...always YOU :)

*smoooch ahhhh*

nite everyone :)

ps: mba ajeng ini foto yang direquest...hahahahha sorry lama nian :D


  1. I learn about so many things but 1 thing I believe is every effort somes to something. We decide it to be a good one or the best. We try, we believe and we achieve. Never give up on your faith. Trust yourself and stop blaming things. With your case I do believe you will make it, your dreams, your goals and your desires.
    Good luck with all that and I'm happy to witness the smile in the end..

  2. hehehhehe...thank u for never ending support, yes, i believe and working on that so called "success" hehehehehhe..km juga yah.. selalu usaha buat yang terbaik.

    amin buat semua doanya..:)


  3. Mana belanjaannya kok gak diposting ?? kan eike juga pengen liat hohohoho... *biar mupeng gitu* :P

  4. iya mba,,besok yah.. belum dipindahin dari kamera, hehe..
    haduh kapan ya bisa ngubek2 bareng :D
