Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Bucket List

Hello again..
Hey how ru doin guys? Well, last nite i watched a very recommended movie entitled 'The Bucket List'. Well kinda out of date perhaps, karena film ini udah release dari 2007. Biggy told me to watch this movie, and hell yeah.. keren ajjaaa gitu filmnya. Well, I'm not going to review it.. karena saya yakin udah banyak yang ngereviewnya. I just wanna say, that this movie is pretty inspiring me.. to make something better n crazy yet fun. Sebenarnya saya dari dulu sudah pernah membuat semacam "bucket list" what I'm gonna do before i die? Saya masukin bucket list ini di dalam dream book saya.. and my pleasure, I wanna share you some of my bucket list.. I call it my wish-list :), here they are:
1. traveling around the world (at least 25 country..hohoo)
2. do something good to the people along my trip
3. i wanna take a painting lesson
4. i wanna make my own clothing line, with my own design
5. i wanna have a golden retriever..hihihi
6. watch pearl jam and weezer concert (its a MUST!!)
7. say sorry to the people that might gt hurt by me
8. sharing with total strangers (not online of course:D )
9. hiking on himalaya.. hohoho
10.pergi umroh sekeluarga...hahahahha...maaf ya papa, iyunk belum siap ikutan papa kesana, but I can assure you there are times we're gonna be there:D

what about u people? :D


Nite all


  1. I only have 2 lists in 1 bucket, Small House and Big Money..
    Nice bucket you got there, dear.. Hope you can make it all someday..

  2. amiiiinnnn....kamu juga, simple and straight to the point...hehehehehehe, good choice:D
