Monday, July 19, 2010
brightspot market with my beastie :)
hi all..
i went to jakarta on July 10th, met my old best friend, Yuli..i used to be close with her when i was in junior high school. Annnndddd... we haven't met more than 5 years! and happily, we still as same as we used to be. I'm one of the people who really adore friendship, i still remember who my best friends was when i was little, even sometimes they were change but still, i can feel the closeness.. Maybe weird, but that's true..hehe.
life always change but friendship last forever..
eniwei, we went to bright spot market at Plaza Indonesia...and Wow.... i LOVE LOVE LOVE bright spot market.. i love the ambiance, i love the fashion, i love the people, i love the booth..everything was just perfect. And i wish i was a million dollar baby..hahahhaha..but, i got my 1st nikicio (ssstttt... Nina Nikicio is my favourite Indonesian designer)..yipppyyyy...
sorry for the very late post pals...:)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
and he's gone..
Once again, orang dekat saya kehilangan Ayahnya. tick tock tick tock.. seketika saya dihantui oleh waktu yang terus berputar. I'm scared. Scared of time, scared of losing my father.
To my dear Biggy.. be patient hun, i know u can face it with a big heart.. my deepest condolences for u dear...
To my dear Biggy.. be patient hun, i know u can face it with a big heart.. my deepest condolences for u dear...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park
Thursday, June 10 2010
Warung sate H. Gendut..
Today is a kind of special day to me. I went to a movie tonight, watched an Indonesian brilliant movie, titled “Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park”. No.. I won’t tell you a review of this movie, but I wanna tell you how this movie affected me. Ini film tentang TKW yang di Indonesia “dielu-elukan” sebagai pahlawan devisa. Saya tahu, dan banyak mendengar berbagai cerita tentang TKW, tentang senang dan sedihnya mencari uang di negri orang, tentang bagaimana mereka berjuang demi menghidupi keluarga yang di kampung, tentang berbagai perlakuan kasar bahkan sampai menghilangkan nyawa para majikannya, tapi hampir semua cerita yang saya dengar hanya mampir sejenak menggelitik kuping saya, setelah itu.. blasssshhh, hilang begitu saja. Tapi tidak dengan film ini, saya seakan-akan bisa mengerti perasaan mereka. Seakan-akan saya tahu permasalahan mereka. Seakan-akan saya tahu beban hidup yang mereka tanggung. Buat saya, ini film yang berhasil. Terutama berhasil membuat saya menjadi sangat gundah.
Selain bisa traveling keliling dunia, Seumur hidup saya juga bercita-cita ingin bisa membantu orang banyak dengan semua kemampuan yang saya miliki. Tapi jujur, sampai detik ini semua masih mengambang, tentang hal “real” apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk orang lain. Dan malam ini, semua yang mengendap dalam pikiran saya, menyeruak begitu saja.. berdempet-dempetan menunggu giliran terealisir.. Saya ingin suatu saat nanti bisa membuka sekolah untuk orang-orang yang kurang mampu, memajukan pemikiran mereka, agar bangsa kita tidak melulu menjadi pembantu di negri orang. Suatu saat saya ingin membuat perusahaan yang mempekerjakan orang-orang kreatif yang kurang mampu, agar mereka bisa meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka dan tak perlu meninggalkan keluarga mereka untuk menjadi pembantu di negara lain.
Ada quote yang saya ambil dari film inspirasional Laskar Pelangi, “Banyak-banyaklah memberi, jangan banyak menerima". Saya sangat setuju dengan pernyataan tersebut. Memberi tidak hanya berupa uang atau dalam bentuk materi, memberi juga bisa berupa waktu, tenaga, kesempatan, ide, meminjamkan telinga untuk mendengar..Walaupun sedikit, saya meyakini ada kenikmatan tersendiri yang saya rasakan ketika kita memberi sesuatu kepada orang lain. Bahagia. Ya.. bahagia..
Seorang teman baik saya bilang, kalau yang paling sulit adalah menumbuhkan inspirasi. Inspirasi untuk membuat hidup lebih baik, terdengar klise memang, tapi itulah gunanya inspirasi saya rasa. Inspirasi tidak datang begitu saja. Inspirasi lahir mungkin melalui seorang tokoh, orang sekitar kita, pengalaman hidup, music yang didengar, atau mungkin film yang dilihat. Ayah saya adalah inspirasi saya. Dia mengajarkan begitu banyak hal baik kepada saya. Saya bangga, kagum, dan ah entahlah.. dia segalanya buat saya.. dia selalu membagi pengalamannya, baik yang menyenangkan ataupun tidak kepada saya agar menjadi pelajaran untuk saya di kemudian hari..
Film Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park ini mampu menyampaikan pesannya dan sangat memberikan inspirasi kepada saya, dan mungkin orang lain yang menontonnya..tentang kecintaan mereka terhadap keluarganya sehingga mau berjuang di negri orang. Inspirasi yang menumbuhkan semangat dan keinginan kuat saya untuk bisa melakukan sesuatu yang berguna bagi orang lain.
Salut untuk pekerja-pekerja Indonesia, terutama untuk para perempuan kuat yang mau berjuang mempertaruhkan nilai tinggi keutuhan sebuah keluarga. Saya yakin suatu saat perjuangan kalian tidak akan sia-sia. Salut untuk semua orang yang terlibat dalam pembuatan film ini.
Hey kalian.. film kalian berhasil buat saya
Semoga suatu saat saya akan cepat terwujud. Amin…
ps: sorry baru bisa dipost sekarang.. :)
gambar dipinjam dari mbah google.
my 24th b'day
June 12 2010
Today is my 24th b'day. I feel so blessed today. Biggy gimme a lil surprise, my parents wake me up with their b'day wishes, I made a little celebrate with my good friends.. there was a good food, a lot of laugh, and best companion.
thanks God, this year, u gave me a beautiful b'day, with happy tears.. not sad one like last year.. thanks a bunch.
heyyyy...his name is Indro, a husky that i met in ciwalk,meeting him such a big present to me, i like u a lot Indro *hug*
and here are my beasties present..SUPER YAY.. I love the necklace soo much :)
Today is my 24th b'day. I feel so blessed today. Biggy gimme a lil surprise, my parents wake me up with their b'day wishes, I made a little celebrate with my good friends.. there was a good food, a lot of laugh, and best companion.
thanks God, this year, u gave me a beautiful b'day, with happy tears.. not sad one like last year.. thanks a bunch.
heyyyy...his name is Indro, a husky that i met in ciwalk,meeting him such a big present to me, i like u a lot Indro *hug*
and here are my beasties present..SUPER YAY.. I love the necklace soo much :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
yo there..
Mengerjakan tesis memang bukan pekerjaan mudah. Dibutuhkan konsentrasi tinggi, tenaga, biaya, serta kesabaran tingkat tinggi. Sudah beberapa bulan terakhir ini saya bergulat dengan tesis. Cepat-cepat mengerjakan, karena berharap bisa lulus secepat dan sebaik mungkin. Mengingat saya masih menjadi tanggungan orang tua, dan sayapun belum bekerja. Sebagai anak, wajar rasanya ingin cepat cepat menyelesaikan salah satu tanggung jawab saya kepada orang tua. Usaha serta doa yang tidak pernah putus selalu menjadi bagian dari usaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada orang tua saya. Tesis sudah dikerjakan..halaman demi halaman.. namun satu hal yang sampai saat ini selalu menjadi halangan saya, adalah bimbingan dengan dosen pembimbing. Menurut arti harfiah sih, namanya dosen pembimbing, tugasnya yaitu membimbing mahasiswanya agar bisa menyelesaikan tugas akhirnya dengan baik. Satu dosen saya telah mengerjakan tugas bimbingannya kepada saya. Tapi, tidak begitu dengan salah satu dosen pembimbing saya ini. Ini kali keenam saya mencoba bimbingan dengan beliau, tapi hasilnya nihil. Sms=tidak dibalas, telp=marah-marah, datang ke kantor beliau=menunggu tanpa hasil, karena beliau tidak mau diganggu. Hmmm… ok, mungkin usaha saya kurang keras untuk meminta jatah bimbingan saya kepada beliau.. saya tau, saya yang butuh beliau, tapi selama total 5 tahun saya kuliah di perguruan tinggi, baru kali ini saya ketemu dengan dosen se-complicated ini… my friend says.. the art of thesis, yeah it’s definitely the art of thesis dan seton kesabaran betul-betul dibutuhkan untuk bisa memakai toga hitam itu, dan give my dad a big smile and happy tears..
Hey sir..
I’m tired. Tired of waiting for you sir.. I hope I have a ton of patience, so that I can face every annoying thing that u’ve done to me. But I guess I’m running out of my patience now. 3 months.. 3 times meeting u. a thousand times trying to meet u, but totally failed! I know, maybe ur such a super busy person, so that u don’t have enough time talking to me. You don’t like my theme. Fine. You don’t understand what I’m talking about. Ok. You don’t respect me. Ok . I just need a little care from you. I just need to talk with my “real” counselor.
Today, I cancelled my planning to meet my best friend, to see her new baby. Only to see you sir.. only to have a little time talking with you. But sadly you just said, saya mau jalan euy..! I only have tomorrow to HOPEFULLY can see you, and talk with you. Because Friday is holiday, and in the beginning of June you said ur gonna go to Lombok. Huff..but if to tomorrow I can’t see you again, I promise.. I’ll do anything to change you as my counselor..
I’m tired :( !!
Monday, May 24, 2010
gossip bocah2 gereja
hey there..
well actually i'm not into blogging this time, but some people beside me, pushing my hand so itchy to tell a storrrrry about them..
saya lagi makan di sebuah resto cepat saji, tiba tiba segerombolan orang ini (2 boys, and 3 girls) datang dan langsung menggosip tentang teman mereka. Well, saya gak keberatan mereka mau menggosip atau jungkir balik atau apapun itu, selama tidak mengganggu orang lain. Ini udah menggosip, dengan suara yang maha keras pula..sangat sangat mengganngu, gangges kalo bahasa anak gaul mah..*phew*
walhasil, saya jadi tau kalo mereka anak gereja, yang sedang ngegosipin teman segereja mereka yang tersuspect gay i guess..huff..
gosh.. please behave kids!! it's kind of embrassing you know, how people who think they normal, and kind, and bla bla.. but behind their friend they're gossiping shit and surely with loud voice which is so annoying, hell yeah.. *crap*
well kids.. if u really umat tuhan dan bla bla, berani ngomong di depan dooooonnkkk... huff..!
talking behind, badmouthing friends..
well actually i'm not into blogging this time, but some people beside me, pushing my hand so itchy to tell a storrrrry about them..
saya lagi makan di sebuah resto cepat saji, tiba tiba segerombolan orang ini (2 boys, and 3 girls) datang dan langsung menggosip tentang teman mereka. Well, saya gak keberatan mereka mau menggosip atau jungkir balik atau apapun itu, selama tidak mengganggu orang lain. Ini udah menggosip, dengan suara yang maha keras pula..sangat sangat mengganngu, gangges kalo bahasa anak gaul mah..*phew*
walhasil, saya jadi tau kalo mereka anak gereja, yang sedang ngegosipin teman segereja mereka yang tersuspect gay i guess..huff..
gosh.. please behave kids!! it's kind of embrassing you know, how people who think they normal, and kind, and bla bla.. but behind their friend they're gossiping shit and surely with loud voice which is so annoying, hell yeah.. *crap*
well kids.. if u really umat tuhan dan bla bla, berani ngomong di depan dooooonnkkk... huff..!
talking behind, badmouthing friends..
lil holiday with my highschool friends..
hey all..
kemarin, 3 teman SMU saya datang ke was a fun day, we went to tangkuban perahu, Boscha (it was my first time, hehe), sushi den, rumah stroberry (it's also my first time) and shopping of course,,hehehe.. but the exciting thing is met ur friends from the past..a lot of storry and gossip as well..haha.
rumah stroberi
tangkuban perahu
tangkuban perahu
{16 dscale top}{seconhand shredded jeans}{bunga necklace}
kemarin, 3 teman SMU saya datang ke was a fun day, we went to tangkuban perahu, Boscha (it was my first time, hehe), sushi den, rumah stroberry (it's also my first time) and shopping of course,,hehehe.. but the exciting thing is met ur friends from the past..a lot of storry and gossip as well..haha.
rumah stroberi
tangkuban perahu
tangkuban perahu
{16 dscale top}{seconhand shredded jeans}{bunga necklace}
i miss u, Papa..
hello all..
I miss my Dad so much, he called me yesterday from Mecca..and said, " Papa kangen Iyunk, nanti tanggal 30 ke Jakarta yaa.. bobo sama papa ya ntar" I almost 24, and I'm still his little girl for him.. he's my best friend, my mentor, my guru, my travelling partner, my dad.. he's everything to me..he always there when i'm down.. pernah suatu ketika, saya putus sama pacar saya ditambah lagi saat itu mama papa saya sedang bertengkar hebat.. saking stressnya saya saat itu cuma bisa menangis di kamar sendirian, dia datang ke kamar saya, dan memeluk saya, erat sekali..that was the best hug that i ever had..
and i'm the luckiest person in this world, have a dad like him.. :)
I miss my Dad so much, he called me yesterday from Mecca..and said, " Papa kangen Iyunk, nanti tanggal 30 ke Jakarta yaa.. bobo sama papa ya ntar" I almost 24, and I'm still his little girl for him.. he's my best friend, my mentor, my guru, my travelling partner, my dad.. he's everything to me..he always there when i'm down.. pernah suatu ketika, saya putus sama pacar saya ditambah lagi saat itu mama papa saya sedang bertengkar hebat.. saking stressnya saya saat itu cuma bisa menangis di kamar sendirian, dia datang ke kamar saya, dan memeluk saya, erat sekali..that was the best hug that i ever had..
and i'm the luckiest person in this world, have a dad like him.. :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Bucket List
Hello again..
Hey how ru doin guys? Well, last nite i watched a very recommended movie entitled 'The Bucket List'. Well kinda out of date perhaps, karena film ini udah release dari 2007. Biggy told me to watch this movie, and hell yeah.. keren ajjaaa gitu filmnya. Well, I'm not going to review it.. karena saya yakin udah banyak yang ngereviewnya. I just wanna say, that this movie is pretty inspiring me.. to make something better n crazy yet fun. Sebenarnya saya dari dulu sudah pernah membuat semacam "bucket list" what I'm gonna do before i die? Saya masukin bucket list ini di dalam dream book saya.. and my pleasure, I wanna share you some of my bucket list.. I call it my wish-list :), here they are:
1. traveling around the world (at least 25 country..hohoo)
2. do something good to the people along my trip
3. i wanna take a painting lesson
4. i wanna make my own clothing line, with my own design
5. i wanna have a golden retriever..hihihi
6. watch pearl jam and weezer concert (its a MUST!!)
7. say sorry to the people that might gt hurt by me
8. sharing with total strangers (not online of course:D )
9. hiking on himalaya.. hohoho
10.pergi umroh sekeluarga...hahahahha...maaf ya papa, iyunk belum siap ikutan papa kesana, but I can assure you there are times we're gonna be there:D
what about u people? :D
Nite all
Hey how ru doin guys? Well, last nite i watched a very recommended movie entitled 'The Bucket List'. Well kinda out of date perhaps, karena film ini udah release dari 2007. Biggy told me to watch this movie, and hell yeah.. keren ajjaaa gitu filmnya. Well, I'm not going to review it.. karena saya yakin udah banyak yang ngereviewnya. I just wanna say, that this movie is pretty inspiring me.. to make something better n crazy yet fun. Sebenarnya saya dari dulu sudah pernah membuat semacam "bucket list" what I'm gonna do before i die? Saya masukin bucket list ini di dalam dream book saya.. and my pleasure, I wanna share you some of my bucket list.. I call it my wish-list :), here they are:
1. traveling around the world (at least 25 country..hohoo)
2. do something good to the people along my trip
3. i wanna take a painting lesson
4. i wanna make my own clothing line, with my own design
5. i wanna have a golden retriever..hihihi
6. watch pearl jam and weezer concert (its a MUST!!)
7. say sorry to the people that might gt hurt by me
8. sharing with total strangers (not online of course:D )
9. hiking on himalaya.. hohoho
10.pergi umroh sekeluarga...hahahahha...maaf ya papa, iyunk belum siap ikutan papa kesana, but I can assure you there are times we're gonna be there:D
what about u people? :D
Nite all
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
hey there..
woohoo...lagi feeling ngeblog niy, lagi asik utak atik..dan jadilah blog skinnya berubah..hehehhe, walopun masih ada yang kurang gak tau apaaaaa gt, tapi setelah ribet liat sana sini, berujung pada kebingungan, ini gimana yaaa? hahahhaha...maklum, saya agak gaptek niy, utak atik beginian, haduuuuuhhhh...anyone help me?
belakangan saya sibuk ngedit tesis yang (rasanya) kok g kelar2 yah? senang sebenarnya, i really enjoy the process.. gak kaya waktu saya kelarin skripsi, terlalu terburu2 mungkin, persiapan tidak matang, bahan juga kurang dikuasain....gak puas deh jadinya... but, hopefully not with this one. walopun prosesnya cukup ribet, dan bikin gonta-ganti judul berkali-kali.gak sreg sama pembimbing, susah nyari bahannya, but i believe i can do it with my best. amin.
oh ya..minggu lalu saya ketemu mama saya di jakarta, we did vintage shopping in metro pasar baru,hehehe..dari dulu saya suka fashion, mungkin beliau adalah was fun you know? ubek ubek sana sini...whoaaahhh..and finally i got a super duper cute vintage bag :) *yay*
actually i'm not a mama's girl, but sometimes...i feel so looks like her..some of my friends says that..hmm...iya gt? ntahlah..
eniwei..these are few things that i love this week:
1. my last weekend with Biggy
2. my new 16dscale shirt*yay*
3. my swimming lesson..hahahahhaha
4. pencerahan akut dari pak him (matur suwun sanget pak...)
5. and absolutely YOU, yes...always YOU :)
*smoooch ahhhh*
nite everyone :)
ps: mba ajeng ini foto yang direquest...hahahahha sorry lama nian :D
woohoo...lagi feeling ngeblog niy, lagi asik utak atik..dan jadilah blog skinnya berubah..hehehhe, walopun masih ada yang kurang gak tau apaaaaa gt, tapi setelah ribet liat sana sini, berujung pada kebingungan, ini gimana yaaa? hahahhaha...maklum, saya agak gaptek niy, utak atik beginian, haduuuuuhhhh...anyone help me?
belakangan saya sibuk ngedit tesis yang (rasanya) kok g kelar2 yah? senang sebenarnya, i really enjoy the process.. gak kaya waktu saya kelarin skripsi, terlalu terburu2 mungkin, persiapan tidak matang, bahan juga kurang dikuasain....gak puas deh jadinya... but, hopefully not with this one. walopun prosesnya cukup ribet, dan bikin gonta-ganti judul berkali-kali.gak sreg sama pembimbing, susah nyari bahannya, but i believe i can do it with my best. amin.
oh ya..minggu lalu saya ketemu mama saya di jakarta, we did vintage shopping in metro pasar baru,hehehe..dari dulu saya suka fashion, mungkin beliau adalah was fun you know? ubek ubek sana sini...whoaaahhh..and finally i got a super duper cute vintage bag :) *yay*
actually i'm not a mama's girl, but sometimes...i feel so looks like her..some of my friends says that..hmm...iya gt? ntahlah..
eniwei..these are few things that i love this week:
1. my last weekend with Biggy
2. my new 16dscale shirt*yay*
3. my swimming lesson..hahahahhaha
4. pencerahan akut dari pak him (matur suwun sanget pak...)
5. and absolutely YOU, yes...always YOU :)
*smoooch ahhhh*
nite everyone :)
ps: mba ajeng ini foto yang direquest...hahahahha sorry lama nian :D
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
random things...
i've got insomnia lately..i don't like the fact that it's hard to sleep at night, because it makes me want to eat again n again while i can't sleep..i don't wanna be fat :(..and sure, it really ruin my day...i wake up in the afternoon, i don't do my thesis, i became super lazy..huhuhu..
eniwei.. beside all that things, here are my random things this week:
1. i met my old best friends at facebook... finally! and we haven't in touch almost 10 years! happy!
2. i've got super cool thing in gedebage...hohoho..MARC JACOB LEATHER JACKET!!!! my oh my...soooooo happy :D.. thank u biggy :)
3. my doctor says: do one thing in time! hohoho, i've just realize that he is a really nice person to talk about..thank you mr Albert..
and here are some pictures taken when i did my shoe hunting..
brown leather jacket [marc jacob] tshirt [insight] blue skirt [secondhand] shoes [converse] clutch [juice eightmatic]
i've got insomnia lately..i don't like the fact that it's hard to sleep at night, because it makes me want to eat again n again while i can't sleep..i don't wanna be fat :(..and sure, it really ruin my day...i wake up in the afternoon, i don't do my thesis, i became super lazy..huhuhu..
eniwei.. beside all that things, here are my random things this week:
1. i met my old best friends at facebook... finally! and we haven't in touch almost 10 years! happy!
2. i've got super cool thing in gedebage...hohoho..MARC JACOB LEATHER JACKET!!!! my oh my...soooooo happy :D.. thank u biggy :)
3. my doctor says: do one thing in time! hohoho, i've just realize that he is a really nice person to talk about..thank you mr Albert..
and here are some pictures taken when i did my shoe hunting..
brown leather jacket [marc jacob] tshirt [insight] blue skirt [secondhand] shoes [converse] clutch [juice eightmatic]
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
quote tonite..
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
-Coco Chanel quotes-
nite all :)
-Coco Chanel quotes-
nite all :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
quote of the day
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.
-Ashley Smith-
-Ashley Smith-
Monday, April 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
lately, i've been so lazy because of the weather maybe, but i believe it can't be as an excuse. i still have so much to do instead. i made resolution before the year change and one of my resolution this year is doing my thesis and gets done on time (`i hope it will be done on July). i realize that "passion" is something that hard to keep. actually, i have goals but i seem easily get distracted by many things. even by the time i wrote this blog, and my love one says something interesting, and blast I've got distracted.
well.. my that's my problem. and lately becomes a big problem of mine. i should do what i have to do. but instead of doing my job, I'd rather do something else and useless maybe (not so useless actually but it's not important enough that time, hahaha).
i don't like being a derailed person so i need to improve my passion that seems "getting lost" from me.
wake up iyunk! something big waiting for you :) are my outfit random picture..hohoho, enjoy!
einsten tshirt | blue skirt- gedebage | black legging | random bangles
green tshirt- secondhand | jeans vest-unbranded |ripped jeans- gedebage | ethnic bag- malioboro, YK |flat shoes- vincci
white blouse-unbranded | lacey blazer | jeans-logo | owl chain necklace | some random unbranded accesories :D
Saturday, February 6, 2010
an umbrella man
I saw this young man about several days ago in front of toni jack's Bandung. It was hard rain. frightening outside. I saw him freezing, offering his umbrella to the people around him. I found that sometimes life isn't fair. Some people at the sametime maybe sleeping covered by their comfortable blanket. others freezing outside, working for a penny to eat. But then i realize, that that's how world works. it can be upside down. So, always prepare yourself for the worst people.. we never know what life brings to us..
Friday, February 5, 2010
helloooooo all!
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